
Things You Should Know But Don’t: Caveman in the Moon
Posted July 22, 2024 Written by Claire

In an installment of fiction becoming fact, I was fascinated by a recent report that scientists have found underground caves […]

Things You Should Know But Don’t: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Posted July 8, 2024 Written by Claire

On June 25, after a 53-day mission, China’s Chang’e 6 spacecraft returned to Earth with five pounds of rocks and […]

Things You Should Know But Don’t: A New Era of Misinformation
Posted June 24, 2024 Written by Claire

The world of AI news is moving at an unprecedented pace. When I began writing about the dead internet theory […]

Things You Should Know But Don’t: The Other Race to Watch
Posted June 10, 2024 Written by Claire

The contest for the White House isn’t the only race that should concern the United States and, perhaps, the world. […]

Things You Should Know But Don’t: The Dead Internet Theory Pt. 2
Posted May 27, 2024 Written by Claire

How much is AI changing the landscape of the internet as we know it? According to the dead internet theory, […]

The Dark Side of the Far Side
Posted May 13, 2024 Written by Claire

I was fascinated by a May 4 article by CNN reporter Ashley Strickland.  In it, she writes about the competition among […]

Things You Should Know But Don’t: The Dead Internet Theory Pt. 1
Posted April 29, 2024 Written by Claire

Have you heard of the dead internet theory?  While it’s a relatively recent conspiracy theory that came about somewhere between […]

Things You Should Know But Don’t: The Dawn of AI Regulation
Posted April 15, 2024 Written by Claire

If you follow tech news, it’s impossible to escape how AI has taken over the conversation.  No matter how frivolous […]

Things You Should Know But Don’t: AI Voice Clones
Posted April 1, 2024 Written by Claire

When AI-generated deepfakes first became a concern on the internet, it was mostly centered around video. Some of the deepfakes […]

Things You Should Know But Don’t: How Hackers Use AI
Posted March 18, 2024 Written by Claire

It’s not uncommon to hear that someone has implemented elements of AI in their day-to-day workflow. In fact, it’s becoming […]