
blue and red 3d rendering of human brain on technology background
Things You Should Know But Don’t: A Modern Oracle
Posted November 22, 2021 Written by Claire

You may have already heard of the Allen Institute for AI’s newest project, “Ask Delphi”, after it went viral on […]

A hand reaching out from a dark background holding a red marker. They are using the marker to draw a red circle around a group of white icons representing people. Other faded icons of people appear in the background.
Things You Should Know But Don’t: The Serial Killer Algorithm
Posted November 8, 2021 Written by Claire

The idea of technology and machines making some jobs easier- or even obsolete- is not a new concept. It’s been […]

A hand typing at a keyboard that is backlit with red light
Things You Should Know But Don’t: Dark Web Assassins
Posted October 25, 2021 Written by Claire

The Dark Web has its fair share of urban legends and myths because of its mysterious nature and barrier to […]

A skull and cross bones that is made up of small, glowing red cubes so that it looks pixelated on a black background.
Things You Should Know But Don’t: The Truth About the Dark Web
Posted October 11, 2021 Written by Claire

Once mysterious, the term Dark Web has become understood to be a place on the Internet that harbors criminals and […]

Businessman using tablet analyzing sales data and economic growth graph chart and block chain technology on global network on dark background.
Things You Should Know But Don’t: Cryptocurrency’s Carbon Footprint
Posted September 27, 2021 Written by Claire

A little while back, the term NFT entered the popular lexicon. The acronym stands for “non-fungible token”, which does little […]

A landscape scene of Mars. It is desert-like and sandy with mountains in the background. The air is hazy and the whole image is tinted red.
Things You Should Know But Don’t: The Race for Mars
Posted September 13, 2021 Written by Claire

If you’ve been keeping up with space news, you’ll know that this summer has been busy. Between the private sector […]

Things You Should Know But Don’t: Dark Clouds of the Internet
Posted August 30, 2021 Written by Claire

I’ve written a few times now about the looming implications of the internet being so heavily tied to our infrastructure. […]

Person tapping a touchscreen that lights up and links to several icons to signify applications, including things like GPS, email and shopping.
Things You Should Know But Don’t: Down and Out
Posted August 17, 2021 Written by Claire

In our modern world, one of the most frustrating things is not being able to get online. Whether your modem […]

Woman smiling and looking at her phone. Her face is not visible, and red notification icons float above her phone.
Things You Should Know But Don’t: The Influence of Social Media (Part 2)
Posted August 2, 2021 Written by Claire

Previously, we discussed the nature of social media and its influences on behavior. If you haven’t read the first part […]

Things You Should Know But Don’t: Celebrating Our Mysterious Neighbor
Posted July 19, 2021 Written by Claire

Tomorrow is National Moon Day (July 20) and we are supposed to celebrate all things Moon related.  Chances are, however, […]