
A photograph of a bear and tiger looking ahead, side by side in front of a black background. The lighting is dramatic.
Tigers, Bears and Prey: Updates to the Chinese-Russian Alliance
Posted February 14, 2022 Written by Claire

In past blogs, I’ve written about the ramifications of the International Space Station’s scheduled decommissioning in 2031 when it will […]

A landscape scene of Mars. It is desert-like and sandy with mountains in the background. The air is hazy and the whole image is tinted red.
Things You Should Know But Don’t: The Race for Mars
Posted September 13, 2021 Written by Claire

If you’ve been keeping up with space news, you’ll know that this summer has been busy. Between the private sector […]

Things You Should Know But Don’t: Celebrating Our Mysterious Neighbor
Posted July 19, 2021 Written by Claire

Tomorrow is National Moon Day (July 20) and we are supposed to celebrate all things Moon related.  Chances are, however, […]

Things You Should Know But Don’t: When the Goal Outweighs the Risk
Posted May 24, 2021 Written by admin

On April 29, China launched its first module for the new Tiangong space station aboard its Long March 5B rocket. […]

Things You Should Know But Don’t: China’s Space Plants
Posted September 30, 2020 Written by admin

While a far cry from living years or perhaps a lifetime in space or on another planet, different nations – including China – continue to research the best ways to make other astrological bodies habitable.