United States

Picture of a satellite in space. The Earth and the Moon are seen in the distance
Things You Should Know But Don’t: Small Steps in the New Space Race
Posted March 14, 2022 Written by Claire

In my recent novel, Dragon on the Far Side of the Moon, I weave a thriller where the U.S. and […]

A photograph of a bear and tiger looking ahead, side by side in front of a black background. The lighting is dramatic.
Tigers, Bears and Prey: Updates to the Chinese-Russian Alliance
Posted February 14, 2022 Written by Claire

In past blogs, I’ve written about the ramifications of the International Space Station’s scheduled decommissioning in 2031 when it will […]

Second Place is No Place to Be
Posted February 8, 2021 Written by admin

Recent press reports indicate that NASA has announced it is postponing until April 30, 2021 its decision to award a contract to one of three bidders for the development of a human lunar landing system.