
Things You Should Know But Don’t: When the Goal Outweighs the Risk
Posted May 24, 2021 Written by admin

On April 29, China launched its first module for the new Tiangong space station aboard its Long March 5B rocket. […]

Infrastructure on the grid
Gas Lines Are Only The Beginning
Posted May 17, 2021 Written by admin

On May 12, in the wake of the hack into the Colonial Pipeline that shut off gas supplies to millions […]

Things You Should Know But Don’t: WhatsApp Privacy Controversy
Posted April 27, 2021 Written by admin

In February, Facebook was hit with backlash due to its privacy updates to the popular chat platform, WhatsApp. According to […]

Things You Should Know But Don’t: An [Un]Holy Alliance – Chapter 2
Posted April 12, 2021 Written by admin

Two weeks ago, I reported on the alliance between China and Russia to build a permanent base on the Moon they call the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS).  While a specific timetable has yet to be laid out, there is an aspect of this project worth adding to my earlier comments.

Things You Should Know But Don’t: A New [Un]Holy Alliance
Posted March 29, 2021 Written by admin

You may have missed the news on March 9 that China and Russia formed a new alliance. They will work together to build a research station on the Moon.  They even have a name for it – the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS). 

Things You Should Know But Don’t: Your Hidden Profile
Posted March 15, 2021 Written by admin

The use of biometric data has expanded exponentially, from using thumbprints for unlocking phones to voice activation technology. Facial recognition […]

Things You Should Know But Don’t: Pictures Are Worth $3 Billion
Posted March 1, 2021 Written by admin

During the past weeks, space nerds everywhere have been marveling at the videos, photos, and sounds Perseverance has been broadcasting from Mars.

I’ll Be Back…
Posted February 15, 2021 Written by admin

While the Terminator has not arrived (yet), robotics and artificial intelligence have made quantum leaps toward reality.

Second Place is No Place to Be
Posted February 8, 2021 Written by admin

Recent press reports indicate that NASA has announced it is postponing until April 30, 2021 its decision to award a contract to one of three bidders for the development of a human lunar landing system. 

Things You Should Know But Don’t: DarkMarket Takedown
Posted February 1, 2021 Written by admin

The dark web is a seemingly endless, horrifying place where people can anonymously live out their worst impulses.