
Things You Should Know But Don’t: Eye in the Sky Blinded
Posted January 18, 2021 Written by admin

On December 1, 2020, after a number of failures by cables and the sockets holding them, the massive aperture spherical radio telescope at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico suddenly collapsed.  Miraculously, no one was hurt.

Things You Should Know But Don’t: Chang’e 5
Posted January 4, 2021 Written by admin

While China has been making unprecedented progress on space travel for the past few decades, this most recent mission drives home just how far behind the US is lagging in the space race.

Things You Should Know But Don’t: Global Internet
Posted December 1, 2020 Written by admin

SpaceX, the private space exploration company owned by Elon Musk, is working on a solution called StarLink. In order to provide the entire world with access to dependable Wi-Fi 24/7, the company has created a series of satellites that can, in theory, allow a consumer to have high-speed Internet access in any location.

Things You Should Know But Don’t: Private vs. Public Sector Space Exploration
Posted October 27, 2020 Written by admin

While both the private and public sectors are active, there are pros and cons to each side.

Things You Should Know But Don’t: China’s Space Plants
Posted September 30, 2020 Written by admin

While a far cry from living years or perhaps a lifetime in space or on another planet, different nations – including China – continue to research the best ways to make other astrological bodies habitable.

China Is Winning the Space Race
Posted September 16, 2020 Written by admin

China advances are undaunted and launched more rockets into space in 2019 than any other nation in the world with plans to repeat that feat in 2020. And don’t forget China’s lead in artificial intelligence and computer learning. Put it all together and the conclusion is inescapable.

Things You Should Know But Don’t: Cyberattacks on COVID-19 Vaccine
Posted July 31, 2020 Written by admin

It is indisputable that the scientists and researchers behind the latest testing trials of the COVID-19 vaccine are heroes, but as with every story with a hero, there is also a villain.

Things You Should Know But Don’t: Facial Recognition & Law Enforcement
Posted July 7, 2020 Written by admin

Facial recognition technology isn’t new. In fact, since 2017, most people who use an iPhone have the ability to set up their phones so that it unlocks automatically when it recognizes their faces. The technology itself has been around even longer. So why is the conversation around facial recognition getting so much attention in the media?

It’s Not About What He Might Say
Posted June 24, 2020 Written by admin

Much has been written about leaks from John Bolton’s new book where he claims President Trump asked Ukrainian President Zelensky to investigate the Bidens as a condition of releasing aid to Ukraine – the now infamous quid pro quo.

Things You Should Know But Don’t: Deepfakes
Posted June 8, 2020 Written by admin

If you are on the Internet, it’s likely that you have already encountered a deepfake – whether you were aware of it or not.